Thursday, November 18, 2010

exchange of the day

Student: "Ms B, I woke up a Christian today! I can't do work!"
Me: "Um... why?"
Student: "Christians don't curse!"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

student responses

i would like to share this response with my readers (little though they may be, i hope itmakes you laugh, like it made me laugh when i read it)

we had been going over our rules in order to reinforce them, because a lot of the kids had forgotten about them (or choosing to ignore them, either way they were crazy). in response to this question:
"do you think these rules and expectations are fair?"
one of my students writes this:
"yes but no because everything is not fair but somethings are"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

onomotopaiea.... or something like that

i'm currently doing a poetry unit with my kids and we're looking at figurative language right now. today, among others, we were talking about onomotopaiea (spelling?).
for those of you who do not remember (it's ok, these things happen) it is when the word sounds like the noise it describes. an example: boom. crack. zip. etc.
so we were going over it and i was having my kids come up with their own examples, which i could tell they didn't fully get (some examples of words put down: fireworks, gun shot, etc) so i stop and i ask the class, what noise does a bee make??
and the entire class goes "bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
and then i go, how would you spell that? and the kids kinda look at me, and i supply, "how about b-u-z-z" now say the word that we just spelt and the kids all go "bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
we then repeat with dogs (we had roof, arff, and woof going on, so it took us awhile)
by the end of the period my class sounded like quite a zoo.
however, my kids got it!
i'm thinking about having my do now (the first five minutes of class time) be a sound do now, we could continue the zoo! chickens, cats, etc. we'll see.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

two things

ok, the first thing did NOT happen in my class, but it's too funny/crazy to not tell.

first period (right after breakfast), the 9th graders are in science. a baby mouse is seen. every student is up on the tables, screaming ( i could hear this down the hall haha). then one student decides he's going to throw a book at the mouse. he literally hits it dead on, and mouse guts splatter out. that is too much for two students in the class, one of whom vomits on the floor, the other one makes it to the trashcan. the custodian had to come in and clean it up and disenfect it and the science book that did the damage was thrown away.

you know, a normal day.

the other thing:
i just got back from a boxing class. OMG. OMG. OMG. i can barely move.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

my love life

my girls were talking about it yesterday.... not just one period, more than one period yesterday.

one of my students "ms b needs a nice mexican"
then later on "a mexican with nice wavy, long hair and blue eyes"
there was an argument over the blue eyes though...some of my girls said blue eyes were ugly. (hope they don't look at my eyes too closely!)

then it was discussed if i would ever date more than one person at once (the consensus was no),
and if i would want to date one of my students (many) brothers. She ultimately informed the class via blackboard that i was actually dating one of her brothers, at which point the entire class started railing on the one student that i couldn't do that because i would be showing favoritism and she finally said, "Ok she's not dating him, i just said that"

so an interesting friday over all.