I'm sure everyone is dying with questions about how last week went with little lesson planning---it went fine! except for at the end of the week when i had to come home and lesson plan and prep instead of just prepping. the last thing i wanted to do when i got home was lesson plan!
so because of that i will be working my darndest today to make sure i get all this weeks lesson planning done!
i'm still teaching personal narratives, i'm also having the kids write their own personal narratives. i'm excited to see what the kids are going to write about! i've made them think and pre-write for three different ideas, and i'm going to have them choose one this week to actually write the whole deal.
i'm currently planning for my next unit, which will be short stories. deciding what stories we will be reading and deciding if i like the ones in the textbook (i'm leaning towards no). teaching is a lot of prep work... no jokes.
this weekend was another not-so-teacher filled weekend. mom drove up from tejas with some furniture and now our apartment actually looks like people live here full time, instead of just some beds and a couch. haha. it has also been really nice here this weekend... gorgeous weather! too bad i am now stuck inside lesson planning! (and blogging, obvi).
anyways, that's all for now!
I have a request for upcoming blog posts-- pictures!