Tuesday, December 7, 2010


sorry yall for the lack of updates. i don't like updating when i've been having bad days/weeks/months (haha) i'm worried i'll say something i'll regret!

overall, i'm pretty ready for break. i think my kids are too. it's the last slog through till the holidays and there is still a TON of stuff to cram in. my kids poetry anthologies (basically personal narratives in the form of 8 original poems) are due monday, and of course, even though i have given my kids a month to work on these (anticipating them getting one and half done each week, plus homework), most of my kids have less than FOUR. WTF? and of course, my kids are resisitent to doing the work. we'll see what these turn out like.....
we are also drawing our unit to a close and will be taking our test next week, having our poetry slam, our christmas party (which, i will tell you about how high my bar needs to be in another post..THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!!!) and half of my kids failing math and science (not to mention my class!!!) life is CRAZY!!!

i also took one of my students ice skating this past weekend, i'll tell you about it another time too.
things to keep you hooked ya know! lol

on the upside, the tfa holiday christmas party is this weekend. i've heard its lots of fun (it is also open bar = automatic win).

try to get these posts out more often:)

1 comment:

  1. I am ready to hear about ice skating. Also you're going to get wrecked at an open bar with a bunch of overworked, underpaid young people.
