well we have another snow day today (really, an ice day, but who's really keeping track?)...possibility for snow day tomorrow as well: 90%.
i have to say, the first two were kind of fun, now it's just bleh. i'm ready for warmer temps! It's also getting a little ridiculous...we can go barely a week these days without some sort of bad winter weather! this one is apparently supposed to be historic or something. historic winter weather things seem to follow me.... last year snowmageddon/snowgasm etc etc and now this? i'm ready to move to jamaica!
in other news.... well there is no other news. just this weather! it's hard to do anything productive right now because it's still ice raining/snowing and it's COLD. our house is always cold, so right now all three of us are just sitting in our bed or on the couch with about 10000000 blankets on us! the cat is under the covers next to me as i write this. it's pretty comfy haha
i hope everyone is staying warm wherever they are!!! silly weather!
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