Tuesday, September 27, 2011

more volleyball

sorry that i'm talking about volleyball some more...
but it seems to be taking over my life!!!
after some switch ups at my school i am now the varsity volleyball coach instead of just helping out with both teams. this comes with a new set of pressures which i felt sort of when i did club vball, but i feel it even more now.... LINEUPS!!!
it's hard balancing a winning lineup and letting everyone get some playing time. the girls are NOT shy about letting me know if they want to play (which is both good and bad... sometimes i get wrapped up in teh game so i forget i have subs... sometimes i just don't want to be them in.... yikes).
today was a perfect example. i started girls who had shown up to practice the day before (all of them had also gone to the tournament over the weekend) and who had TRIED in practice. they were running for part of the time, and two of the best girls on the team flat out refused to run during practice yesterday. i decided not to start them because i felt that girls who actually came out to practice and worked hard should get the starting lineup. it meant that our game was a little shaky. we won 27-25, but JUST barely.
i guess this is something that coaches always struggle with. i mean, i know how sucky it is to be on a losing vball team (hello senior year of high school), but i also know how much it can suck to sit on the sidelines too (hello senior year of high school lol).
it's also hard to not just get frustrated when the girls are doing exactly the OPPOSITE of what you talked about in practice the day before. oh well.
overall i'm having fun! the girls are funny and athletic and always put forth their all when it comes to games. i will be ready to have my afternoons back though!

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