Monday, December 13, 2010

a poem

this was written by one of my students for their poetry anthologies (due today). they had to create eight original poems about themselves. this poem was written in response to my confiscation of every rubberband in the classroom throughout two days because the boys were shooting paper across the classroom (typical) and snapping each other with them (typical).


On Tuesday Ms.Brodhead took my rubber band,
she said she was going to give it back on
Wednesday but, she lied and today is Friday and
she said she was going to give it back at the end
of the day but I can’t wait that long I need it now.


  1. hahahaha i know right? he kept badgering me about not knowing what to write, and then i took the rubber band and he goes "i'm going to write about this!" and huffs off.

    he also wrote about missing gloves because i was tired of him complaining about it to me!
