Saturday, December 11, 2010

thanksgiving party

so i'm not sure how many of you heard about the thanksgiving party debacle over thanksgiving break.
but here it is.
(i might be setting it up a little bit calling it a debacle, but whatever).

so i want you to keep in mind that i teach at a school that is 7-12. i teach the YOUNGEST kids. i missed the memo at halloween that there should be a halloween party, so for thanksgiving i knew i needed to do something because my kids were very vocal in their disappointment at halloween (silly me).
so i decided that the last period on tuesday would be our party time and i would bring some cookies and chips or something and we could just sort of hang out/play games whatever. WELL.
my plan of cookies and chips and juice (the full spread was cookies, teddy grahams, popcorn, apple juice) was put SADLY to shame BY EVERYONE ELSE IN THE SCHOOL. the 8th grade teacher literally cooked a whole bunch of stuff for her class (think lasagna, etc), got chicken wings, lots of pies, i mean A FEAST. (the 10th graders joined in to have this party with the 8th graders)

this feast next door made some of my kids whine to go next door and made me realize that my christmas party needs to be epic. bah. i'll have to do a sign up sheet cause i won't be able to afford it otherwise!!!

i'll keep you posted on the christmas party.

1 comment:

  1. omg I am just reading this now--- did you have a christmas party!?!!?!
